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In Sickness

men and the culture of caregiving


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The Shifting Role of Caregivers

The role of the caregiver in biomedical research and patient treatment has taken on new levels of importance. Nobody is closer to the patient journey than the supportive care partner whose r knowledge can help researchers create more effective medicines and assist physicians in prescribing treatments. 

Today, more and more men have joined the caregiving ranks and accepted the unglamourous role of caregiver to a family member, be it child, sibling, or parent. In a departure from the past, men today comprise nearly 50% of the 40 million family caregivers in the United States (according to AARP).  A number that is expected to increase in the coming years. 

You do me the honor of caring about me.

Japanese Proverb

Our Caregiver Stories

   The Podcast

“In Sickness, Men and the Caregiving Culture” is a monthly, pre-recorded, 25–30-minute podcast featuring the powerful narratives of committed and compassionate male caregivers. This podcast chronicles the stories of the increasing numbers of men accepting and flourishing in the role of family caregiver. 

Each episode of the podcast will feature diverse speakers across all social strata, caregiving experiences and disease areas. The podcast will feature 1-2 speakers in each installment co-hosted by established life science industry veterans and family caregivers Bob Coughlin and Paul Kidwell. “In Sickness” is produced by Fast Twitch Media and available on all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Deezer, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart and TuneIn.

There will come a time when your loved one is gone, and you will find comfort in the fact that you were their caregiver. Karen Coetzer

Latest Episode

Changed Lives. A Constant Heart 


For all caregivers, their lives are divided into two parts. Before diagnosis and After Diagnosis. This is particularly true for those who must manage one of the more insidious illnesses, Alzheimer’s Disease, where the changes taking place before the diagnosis and once the disease has become fully onset, are significant for the patient and care partner alike. Marty Schreiber is the former Governor of Wisconsin, author of, My Two Elaines. Learning, Coping and Surviving as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver. The book chronicles Marty’s experience as primary support and caregiver for his wife of 60 years who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The book and this podcast provides a transparent look into the heart of the disease and its personal, physical and emotional impact on the patient and those courageous souls, like Marty, who provide unrelenting support for their loved ones. 

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama 

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